Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Beauty Within

On a recent hike with friends, one of the moms asked if I had ever looked inside a sycamore fruit. I guess I had never thought to break one open before. When I did, I could have cried. It's an amazingly intricate design that resembles a honeycomb. It so obviously points to our Creator, and I'd had no idea.

This image of the sycamore fruit was still with me the next day as I heard more whispering from the Lord. In the same way that He placed this amazing sight in this fruit, He has tucked away beauty inside each of us. He has lovingly hand-crafted each of us, the crown of His creation. If He cared enough to make the inside of this sycamore fruit a thing of beauty, I am awed by what He must have done in each of us. It was just another of those moments where He reassured me about the way that He sees me - how special I am to Him and the worth He has assigned to me.

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