I've been a bit mournful during these fall days that are bringing me closer to winter, or The Dying Season, as I prefer to call it. A recent hike found me looking around the woods at all of the browns that are so prevalent during these months in Ohio. I couldn't help but miss the bright blooms of spring and the carefree feel of summer. Willing myself to think positive, my mind turned to the hiking I had enjoyed last winter. I had learned to appreciate the cool air, the evergreen trees, and the neat animal tracks in the snow. I reminded myself that there is always something to delight in if I will just be intentional about looking for it.
The Lord is reminding me that we pass through many seasons in our lives. Sometimes we experience the joys and hopes of spring. Sometimes we walk through the dying time of late fall and winter. What is important to remember, though, is that the spring would not seem as sweet if we hadn't just emerged from the winter. Would we really appreciate the wildflowers and green surroundings if we experienced them day in and day out? I don't think that I would. It just wouldn't mean quite as much to me.
The above picture is that of Sulphur Shelf, which I usually spy while hiking in the fall. By that time, the woods are beginning to die back and this bright splash of color is always so inviting. It is important to note that this fungus is usually found on dead trees, though sometimes it occurs as a parasite on living trees. The Lord seems to be stressing to me that this striking mushroom would not be possible without death and dying. It would not look half as beautiful if so many things weren't dying all around it.
I thank You, Lord, for caring enough to speak comfort through this aspect of Your creation. I pray that You would help me, even today, to recognize the beauty that You've placed around me during this season. I don't want to miss anything that You have for me! Please give me eyes to see what You have for me. Grow in me the ability to see the good in all circumstances so that I may be an encouragement to others. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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