I think of so many things each time I see this picture. I knew the minute I snapped it that I would some day write a devotion for it. I've wanted to draft it on at least a few occasions, but the timing has just never been quite right. Until this morning. I was blessed to have a wonderful moment with the Lord where He suddenly made it all crystal clear to me.
My first thought when I came upon this tree was, "Oh, Lord, this speaks to me! I think that I must know exactly what it feels like to live out this particular visual." You see, this tree is exposed. Uncovered. Vulnerable. Its roots should be buried securely beneath the soil, and yet they are out in the open and unprotected.
Do you ever feel that way? I always remind myself that God is my perfect covering, but that doesn't always stop those nagging thoughts. "I feel vulnerable. I don't feel safe. I feel exposed rather than covered. This doesn't feel good!" I have to mentally gather myself and will myself to trust that the Lord is, in fact, in control. Though I don't always feel it, He is covering me in a most loving and perfect way. He loves me, knows me through and through, and is interested in every detail of my life. And so the mental tug of war continues, "You are so precious to Him, Tamra. Trust Him that everything will be okay. Don't be afraid of what may come. He will prove Himself to be faithful no matter what comes your way."
The Lord brought this picture back to my remembrance this morning as I spent some time with Him. The same thoughts came to me about the tree roots being bared and how I can relate to feeling that way so often. And then the Lord spoke to my heart. I could feel Him impressing upon me the truth of that picture and the reason why I have been so drawn to it from that first moment. Why it has resonated in such a way within me. As is often the case, what He meant to teach me is nothing like what I thought He wanted to teach me.
He showed me this morning that what I can see with this tree's roots is only part of the picture. With perfect gentleness, He whispered, "Daughter, what you see here is not the reality of the matter. There is so much that your eyes cannot see. (Wow!) These are not the only roots that this tree has." I went on to do a little research on the matter and discovered that the roots grow in varying depths and directions. The roots that are shown in this picture probably only make up a very small percent of this tree's root structure. The reality is that this tree is way more secure than I realized. In all likelihood, it has many roots running horizontally in the first two feet of soil for quite a distance. I was surprised to discover how firmly anchored this tree probably is, which was totally not what I was assuming.
As I meditated on these thoughts throughout my day, I was reminded of the story of Elisha and the Arameans in 2 Kings 6. Though surrounded by hostile forces, Elisha told his servant, "Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them." One of my favorites parts of the Bible comes next: "And Elisha prayed, 'O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.' Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." They were not nearly as vulnerable as the servant believed them to be based on what he could see! The LORD showed up for them with a mighty display of His power. I am learning more each day, and am becoming convinced, that things are rarely the way I see them.
Thank You, Lord, for speaking to me today about this picture that has been on my heart for a while now. You are awesome! I thought I understood what it meant, but You had something totally different in mind. I love how You are always patiently teaching me what You want me to know. Help me to remember that seeing is not always believing. Lord, I want to consistently look to You for the reality of my situation! I pray that You will continue speaking to me, teaching me, and drawing me deeper into Your Word. Cause my heart to never stop seeking You. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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