A friend recently asked for help identifying spots on her lavender that looked like spit. I searched the recesses of my mind for the needed information that I stored away last summer. It had been during a Nature For Kids hike through the Metroparks. The naturalist had pointed out little bubbly globs on several plants that looked like spit. She explained that there was a little insect inside, appropriately named the spittlebug.
I began looking up details about this bug to share with my friend. As it turned out, the bug blows the bubbles using sap from the plant. Neither the "spit", nor the insect are terribly harmful to the plant. The bubbles are a wonderful defense mechanism for the bug, allowing it to hide and feed under the foam for protection from predators and the heat.
While learning about this, I began hearing the Lord speak to me about hiding. Basically, the spittlebug is creating a smokescreen to hide behind and make life easier. Do I do that? I generally try to be fairly transparent with those I come into contact with. It is one of my pet peeves when people slap a happy face on and act like life is grand even if it's not.
Being real with one another is one of the best ways to build up the Body. The encouragement it can offer is two-fold. First, it can allow each party to see that they aren't the only one who's ever felt this way or walked this path. Secondly, it is a wonderful form of accountability. Sharing enables others to encourage us to get back on the path if we have strayed. We can and should do the same for them.
I've continued to think upon this insect and its way of protecting itself. In what ways do I attempt to protect myself? Perhaps I do okay in the transparency area, but what of the different areas concerning fear in my life? Have I grown comfortable hiding behind all of my fears, rather than stepping out in obedience to Him, the ultimate Protector?
Lord, forgive me for attempting to seek out my own protection when You are more than willing to keep perfect watch over me. Remind me that nothing can come into my life except that which You have lovingly allowed. Help me to see that, come what may, Your grace truly is sufficient. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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